Michelle Latimer is pleased to have recently been asked to join the QNJAC Geotechnics working group committee. She hopes to help raise the profile of the Scottish minerals sector and particularly the independent operators that DAL has the privilege of working with.
The working group is tasked with giving clear guidance to the minerals sector, relating to ‘Good Practice’, as applied to the management of Geotechnics within the quarrying and extractive industries. The group also ensures that the guidance is linked to the requirements of current UK regulation and legislation. In the case of geotechnics, this relates directly to the requirements of The Quarries Regulations 1999, as amended 2013.
QNJAC (The Quarries National Joint Advisory Committee) is a tripartite body, comprising quarrying and extractive industry representatives of employers and employees; the government regulator (Health & Safety Executive, HSE); professional membership bodies; and industry training/educational organisations. It is focused on promoting the health and safety in all sectors of the quarrying and associated industries, committed to making the industry a safer place, through the raising of training standards and competence, and provides approved guidance documents available to all.
For more information about the work of the QNJAC groups, please visit them at www.QNJAC.co.uk or connect on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
For any queries relating to geotechnical advice or training, please contact Michelle.